Sharing the Wealth Feed

thankful with hope

In less than ten minutes the year of 2013 will be finished on this side of the International Date Line.

It has been a year of learning, growing, joy, regret, frustration, surprise and love.  Through it all, God's goodness has sustained me.  God's compassion, love, grace and mercy in my life leave me astounded and full of hope.

I thank God for 2013 and even more for the hope of 2014.

Here is the song, and thought that I am finishing the old year with and starting this New Year with.  Enjoy!


it's ok to have tears...

DSC01781Over on the side bar of my blog you can see that Ben Witherington's name shows up on the list of "sites I like."  I read his blog because he is a theologian that I can understand, and he seemlessly places the plotlines of today in the midst of the timeless Story of God.  I enjoy his practical approach.  Recently, Dr. Witherington's daughter died unexpectedly of a pulmonary embolism.  In this article in Christianity Today, he writes about the death of his daughter, and in the midst of his reflections he reminds me that, "it's ok to have tears."  From a hard place, he has some important and heartening things to say about grief, hope and God.  It is an article worth reading.

Salt and Grace vs. Pickles and Ketchup

I heard the Rev. Tim Dilena preach at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York City last May.  He is good.  I like this little devotional thought that he posted the other day on his blog.  It hits home for me--so, I share it with you.

Can I Take Your Order?
by Rev. Tim Dilena

The other day in McDonalds, they just couldn’t seem to get the Happy Meal order right.

It started to get frustrating as I kept saying…

“a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it”

and they kept saying..

“so no cheese either”.

“No that would then be a hamburger” I responded.

As the dialogue went on my mind went back to one of the ancient fathers who said….

“Be Kind! for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle”

I started to see the person behind the counter as someone who needs kindness not my frustration.  And then Paul’s words popped in my heart

Col. 4:6
Let your speech always be  with grace, seasoned, as it were, with  salt….

I realized that in the end, as a Christian, no matter if they put  ketchup and pickles on the hamburger, the more important issue is that I had salt and grace  on my speech.

It Is Making Me

Dulcimer_hands My friend Virginia sent me a link to a sermon that referenced a dulcimer player named Garrett Viggers that then led me to view the video by Third Day that I have posted below.  As one who loves music--and more than that, loves God, the coincidental strand was no coincidence, it was a blessing. 

So, I share the video with you, hoping that you find it a blessing too.

I believe what I believe...
is what makes me what I am.
And I did not make it,
no it is making me
It is the very truth of God
and not the invention of any man.


Sharing the Wealth

I am one of those people that likes to share a good find with others.  It must be the teacher in me.  I feel like I send way too many emails to friends with just a link and a subject line that says, "look at this."  At the same time I feel like I don't share enough of the good things that I come across in my educational experiences and in my feed reader roamings of the internet.

So here is my answer: I am going to share the wealth of my wanderings via my blog.  Every once in awhile I will be "Sharing the Wealth" by posting links and comments about things that I have learned from, have found interesting and/or have enjoyed on the internet.  Please click on the links and enjoy.

Here goes:

This post made me homesick for Montana and it inspired me.

Intention vs. Decision:  After watching this brief interview, Andy Stanley has my attention.

Change some names, apply it to your context and this post by the Tall Monastic Guy touches a nerve.  It almost sounds like something Jesus would say.

I like to listen to audio books while I walk/run and workout.  Here is a link for a free book (every month)... 'nuff said.

I wish I disliked criticizing others as much as I dislike criticism.  Mark Batterson offers some solid counsel here.

Psalm 121:2-5 (NIV)

My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip--

he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you...