I heard the Rev. Tim Dilena preach at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York City last May. He is good. I like this little devotional thought that he posted the other day on his blog. It hits home for me--so, I share it with you.
Can I Take Your Order?
by Rev. Tim Dilena
The other day in McDonalds, they just couldn’t seem to get the Happy Meal order right.
It started to get frustrating as I kept saying…
“a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it”
and they kept saying..
“so no cheese either”.
“No that would then be a hamburger” I responded.
As the dialogue went on my mind went back to one of the ancient fathers who said….
“Be Kind! for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle”
I started to see the person behind the counter as someone who needs kindness not my frustration. And then Paul’s words popped in my heart
Col. 4:6
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt….
I realized that in the end, as a Christian, no matter if they put ketchup and pickles on the hamburger, the more important issue is that I had salt and grace on my speech.