2020...oops, I mean 2010
October 06, 2010
This morning, as I was making an entry in my journal, I accidently typed the number 2020 in as the year on the date rather than 2010. The year 2020 looked weird to me and seeing the numbers on the paper caused me to pause a moment and think about the fact that in just a very short time I will be typing 2020 for real—that is, if the Lord allows me the privilege.
My typing of the year 2020 sparked some thoughts and questions in my heart and mind: “Where will I be and what will I be doing in 2020 and what am I going to do with the next ten years of my life?” This led me to the broader question of, “What am I going to do with the next twenty-five years of my life?
It has been nearly a quarter of a century since I graduated from college and if I am granted a life of three score and ten years (or four score, if I have the strength) then I have twenty-five more years of life to work, serve the Lord and live on this earth. In some respects I am only half way through my working/professional life. I find this thought encouraging as I truly feel that I am just getting started.
I have just enough experience in life, work and ministry to know that there is so much that I don’t know. I am hungry for learning and growth, and I am committed to helping others along the way in their journey of life and faith. I have finally realized that I can do all things through Christ and can really mess things up without Him. I want to be a good and Godly husband to my wife, father to my two precious daughters, friend, brother, son, leader, teacher and person. I want to finish this DMin degree in leadership (…just a few more chapters to write…) and I want to be available to God—“Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.”
As I think about life and time on this earth my mind goes to Moses’ words in Psalm 90. He reminds me that life has its share of trouble and sorrow and as David Roper says, “Time flies and so do we.” However, at this moment, I have the luxury and opportunity of time, life and health and I need to remember that each moment of every day matters. Moses says that it is in the numbering of our days, the recognition of their presence, worth and privilege, that we gain a “heart of wisdom.” I want to live wisely and well.
Moses says to number our days—not our weeks, months or years—but rather, our days. Just as a DMin dissertation is written one word at a time and a building is built one brick at a time, so our lives are determined, established and lived one day at a time.
So today I am going to quit thinking about ten years from now, or even twenty-five years from now, and instead I am going to focus on... today; I am going to borrow the words of Moses and pray: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon me; and establish the work of my hands,” and with the help of the backspace bar and the delete key I am going to change the typo of “2020” in my journal to “2010.”