Nudging #67 - Jan. 31 “Hangry” or Worse?
January 31, 2025
“Hangry” or Worse?
Michal, Saul’s daughter, was barren the rest of her life.
(2 Samuel 6:23, MSG)
The night should have been special. My wife, daughters, and sons-in-law were all gathered around the table—a rare moment when our busy lives aligned, giving us the chance to laugh, talk, and simply enjoy being together. But I missed the moment.
I was physically present—seated among them—but my heart was elsewhere. My mind was consumed with irritation, criticism, and frustration. The restaurant was busy, the service slow, the waiter inattentive… and I was fuming. (I wish I could say I was just “hangry,” but I wasn’t.)
Instead of partaking in the joy and beauty all around the table, I quenched it. My family felt the weight of my spirit, and my attitude affected them. My negativity left me empty, lifeless, and barren. I let my frustration dictate my presence, and in doing so, I missed out on the fun, beauty, blessing, and love—the real feast—that was happening all around me.
A fretting, distracted, and critical heart results in an empty, barren life.
Michal, the wife of King David, knew something of this. She was right in the midst of the presence of God, watching as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. But instead of celebrating, she sat in judgment. As David danced before the Lord, Michal watched from a distance, her heart hardened with contempt. She could have joined the celebration, but instead, she missed the moment—consumed with irritation, criticism, frustration, and pride.
The result? Barrenness—not just physical, but spiritual. She missed the joy of God’s presence and the life-giving, fruit-bearing abundance that comes from a surrendered heart. She was near the things of God (sitting right at the table), but she missed out on the fun, beauty, blessing, and love happening all around her.
There’s no shortage of things in our world—and in our lives—that stir criticism, irritation, or frustration. The Enemy works tirelessly to distract us, causing us to miss the blessing even when we're right in the middle of it. We can sit at the table and never taste the goodness set before us. Surrounded by worship, fellowship, and God’s Spirit, we quench it, stuck in our distractions. And in the end, we walk away empty, lifeless, and barren.
But there is a way back, and His name is Jesus.
We must turn away from the many distractions of the Enemy and “fix our eyes on Jesus.” He is the one who said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV)
Are you “hangry” or worse? Is your spirit barren? Lean into the abundant life that is Jesus. Enter into the celebration. Don’t miss the feast. Be present. Be life-giving. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8, NIV)