Nudgings #33 - Choices Matter
March 29, 2022
This isn’t a fortune I pulled out of a cookie at a restaurant, it is a picture of Proverbs 20:7 in my NLT Bible. (Yes, I write in my Bible.)
Life is challenging and I need wisdom, so each day as a part of my daily Bible reading I read a chapter out of the book of Proverbs. Years ago I learned that Billy Graham read a chapter a day out of Proverbs and I thought it wise to follow his lead.
Every morning I know the exact chapter I will turn to—I just look at the calendar. There are thirty-one chapters in Proverbs and there are no more than thirty-one days in a month, so I check the date, and then read the corresponding chapter. The result is always help and wisdom for my day.
Wisdom comes from God. It is the good, guiding, life-giving way to act, think and live. It is God’s mind and the Holy Spirit’s prompting in our being and doing. It’s the way to live well, appreciate what matters most and take nothing for granted—it’s the way of blessing.
God gets my attention in Proverbs 20:7 by mentioning my children and He reminds me that my choices matter. None of us control much of what happens in this crazy world we live in, but we all get the power to choose how we “walk,” think, act, talk, spend our time and live life.
Jesus is interested in our lives, so much so that He gave His life upon the cross to save us from our sins. He wants good for His children as we walk this journey of life and He gives us help along the way, and it doesn’t come from a fortune cookie, it comes from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus gives us wisdom, and because He is love—He gives us choice.
Choices matter.