The Place of Help - 2 Years Later
January 22, 2022
Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. (Psalm 50:15, NIV)
Two years ago today I had pancreatic surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Through the hand of God, and the hands of the medical team, I was delivered from a rare tumor that was taking my life.
I am so grateful.
I called upon the Lord in my need, and when I couldn’t, others stood with me in prayer. I was at the end of my rope and Jesus delivered me from my troubles.
I give Him all the honor, glory and praise.
But as I rejoice (and thank you for rejoicing with me), I also want to be sensitive to those who mourn and to those who are in the midst of trouble in these trying times.
I am so sorry for the sadness, pain and fear that you are experiencing. I stand with you in prayer. Jesus says to each of us, in every moment of our lives, “Call on me in the day of trouble,” because only in Him is the place of help.
I did call upon the Lord and I was surprised and delighted to find that he was with me. I was “delivered” well before I lay under the bright lights of the operating table. His presence and peace were with me in the midst of the struggle and it was enough. The physical healing was an added bonus.
I will be in trouble again—we all will. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
He is the place of help and hope. Look to Jesus.
Here is a video of me sharing my story. I hope it is a help and blessing to you.