He put death to death - Easter Sunday
April 21, 2019
Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.
(Hebrews 2:14-15, NLT)
Photo by Robert J. DeGray
Up and into the day. I enjoyed listening to the song, “His Heart Beats,” by Andrew Peterson. Easter is a time to remember that Jesus came and put death to death. I am reading The Slavery of Death by Richard Beck and he states that rather than sin leading to death, death leads to sin.
As I entertain the power of death, with the end that it seemingly holds and the emptiness and the unknown that it affords, I am affected to live selfishly—getting all I can out of life right now. JOMO, the Joy Of Missing Out, controls me rather than hope and faith in God.
If the fear of death dictates our lives then we will strive for all that we can get. We will see every person and situation that “trespasses” against us (makes us late, costs us time and money, hurts us by what they do or don’t do, etc.) as the enemy, and we will treat them accordingly. We will even treat our loved ones as enemies if they stand in the way of us getting all that life offers.
When we live in the fear of death we live under the Sword of Damocles, with persistent thoughts like: the clock is the ticking, don’t let anything stop you from getting all that is yours, and look out for number one. In the fear of death we do all that we can to avoid the ticking crocodile through things like, fitness, cosmetics, surgery, hair plugs, new stuff, a new spouse . . . and on and on it goes.
The fear of death leads to sin. The fear of the Lord leads to wisdom and life. On Easter, the Lord put death to death. Thus, with hope we can say, “He is Risen!” and we can live as if, "He is Risen Indeed!"
His blood begins to flow
Waking up what was dead a moment ago
And His heart beats, now everything is changed
'Cause the blood that brought us peace with God
Is racing through His veins
And His heart beats
His heart beats
His living lungs expand
The heavy air surrounding death turns to breath again
He breathes out
He is word and flesh once more
The Lamb of God slain for us is a Lion ready to roar
And His heart beats
Crown Him the Lord of Love
Crown Him the Lord of All
And put death to death
Where is your sting, O grave?
How grave is your defeat
I know, I know His heart beats
Clothed in immortality, the firstborn from the dead
He rises, and His work's already done
So He's resting as He rises to reclaim the Bride He won
And His heart beats
Crown Him the Lord of Love
Crown Him the Lord of All
And put death to death
Where is your sting, O grave?
How grave is your defeat
I know, I know His heart beats
The last enemy to be destroyed is death
He must reign until no enemy is left
The last enemy to be destroyed, to be destroyed is death
I know that death no longer has dominion over Him
So my heart beats with the rhythm of the saints
As I look for the seeds the King has down
To burst up from their graves
He took one breath
And put death to death
Where is your sting, O grave?
How grave is your defeat
I know, I know
He took one breath
And put death to death
Where is your sting, O grave?
How grave is your defeat
How great, how great is His victory
I know, I know His heart beats
I know, I know His heart beats
His heart beats