keeping the "thotful" sacred
November 07, 2015
As I read my daily dose of My Utmost for His Highest this morning, this line from Oswald Chambers caught my attention:
“I must keep my conscious life as a sacred place for the Holy Spirit.”
My conscious life? Really? That’s a lot of space to manage, let alone keep sacred. But it all boils down to what I want, and want to be, in my life.
I want to live my life as a Christ follower and I want to be assisted, guided and empowered by God’s spirit—the Holy Spirit.
My conscious life is mine to control. It is my “thinking” place. Or, as Winnie the Pooh might call it, my “thotful spot.” So, what do I do?
In Philippians 4:8 (NIV) I find the answer:
“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
This familiar verse is a great one—almost too great and too familiar. It has been quoted and used so much that I find that I am inclined to write it off as just another exhortation to good and positive thinking.
But it is bigger than that. My conscious life is the place that I receive thoughts and ideas that greatly affect what I think about. And my thinking leads to my living.
Anything that I allow into my “thotful spot” from the Internet, the TV, the radio and my conversations, should be nothing less than true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.
It is only in this way that I can, “. . . keep my conscious [thotful] life as a sacred place for the Holy Spirit.”