a wonder
the path

by their cost

DSC07210“I know my blessings by their cost.” —Wendell Berry

This is the first Memorial Day Weekend in eight years that I have been “home".  I have been living abroad, in a different culture, with different holidays, but all the while blessed with a US Passport bearing my name and photograph.

With that US Passport I have encountered much of the world’s beauty in its people and places.  I have seen the good that the USA has been a part of in the nations.  I have enjoyed the privilege of being a foreigner that always has a place of promise to call home.

This Memorial Day Weekend I give pause and remember, with thanksgiving, this country and its people that have been used for good in the world and in my life.  I don’t take their sacrifice lightly.

I know and remember my blessings by their cost. 



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