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December 2012

A Globe On the Floor (A Christmas Reflection)

DSCF3810“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).  Matthew 1:23 (NIV)

My wife is a Kindergarten teacher and the other day when I was visiting her classroom I found it interesting that I had to step around a globe (a model of the Earth) that was sitting on the floor in the middle of her classroom.

A globe on the floor?  It seemed out of place.  Shouldn’t it be on a desk, or on a shelf, or even atop a bookcase?  My inclination was to pick up the globe and put it in a more orderly, safe and “appropriate” location. 

Obviously, I am not a Kindergarten teacher.

A Kindergarten classroom is all about its inhabitants.  If the globe is placed beyond the students’ reach, they can’t access it. They can’t understand it.  They can’t experience it together.

A globe on the floor is the sure sign of a Kindergarten teacher who understands and cares for her students.  Where a neat freak might be inclined to put the globe in a safe and “appropriate” place, a good Kindergarten teacher knows what her students need.  Regardless of personal preference or a compulsion for order, a good teacher serves the objects of her concern, affection and purpose—her students.

'Tis the Season and that globe on the floor reminds me of a manger and another good teacher.

God is “the” good teacher.[1]  More than that, God is the creator of the universe.  Even the finest, most ornate globe ever made by human hands is but a rudimentary model of the amazing handiwork of God.  God is holy and awesome and transcends human knowledge and understanding.  The rightful place of the Lord of all creation is in the highest, most majestic realm of heaven. 

However, being a good teacher, God knew what his children needed.  We needed God at our level—flesh and blood living among us.[2]  God knew that we needed to know, access and experience him together.

In the midst of our need the angel proclaimed,

“Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”[3]

God’s son, born in a barn?  It seems out of place.  But that baby in a manger is the sure sign of a God who understands and cares for his children.  God sent his son, Jesus, from the highest place in heaven, down to the dirt floor of a stable on earth.  Born to a peasant girl, in a filthy barn, the Holy one of heaven got messy and engaged in a world of disorder so that he could connect with the objects of his love, affection and purpose—his children.

A globe on the floor of a Kindergarten classroom reminds me of the Son of God in a manger who lowered himself, even to the level of a servant, [4] so He could be known and loved by his children.

“For God so loved the world that He sent His only son, that whosoever believes in Him shall be saved.”[5]

Merry Christmas!



[1] Mark 10:18 (NIV)

[2] John 1:14 (NIV)

[3] Luke 2:10-12 (NIV)

[4] Philippians 2:7 (NIV)

[5] John 3:16 (NIV)

25 Years--In His Name

DSC03529_2What a joy it has been for me (Ryan) to spend the past twenty-five years with Dina--the love of my life.  We were married in a little church in Nampa, Idaho on December 11, 1987.  We were still in college, living in student housing, drove a very used car, the Berlin Wall was still standing, the stock market was reeling from Black Monday and we only had enough money and financial aid available for one of us to continue attending college.  Yet, we were in love and living for the God who is Love.

A lot has changed in our world over the past twenty-five years.  The stock market has gone up and down and up and down again.  There have been wars and rumors of wars.  We have owned four different houses, lived in thirteen different dwellings, worked at scores of different jobs, added a few more degrees along the way (Dina did finish her degree), been blessed by two precious daughters and have spent the last seven years living in a foreign country.

Thankfully, there are a couple of things that haven't changed over the past twenty-five years.  Dina and I (Ryan) are still in love and still serving the God who is Love.

Below is a video clip from our wedding of me (Ryan) singing to Dina a song I wrote for her.  It is called, "Forever, In His Name." The words are from my heart.  I meant them then and I mean them now, "The happiest day in my life, was when into my life you came.  And I'll love you precious Dina, forever, in His name."


Forever, In His Name

by Ryan M. Roberts


Here we are, the day it’s finally here;

In the presence of our friends, and family so dear.

We planned and hoped and dreamed and shared,

From deep within our hearts.

And in His name we will be one and we shall never part.

As we care together, share together,

Live our lives as one;

Looking to the light of God, following His Son.

May our lives and our love

Show the world why Jesus came.

As we join our hands forever,

And walk this life together,

In His name.


You know this life will have its way,

Full of glad and sad times too.

I’ll be right there, by your side;

To protect and care for you.

And though the storms may blow and toss and turn us

Round and round.

We’ll stand strong, hand in hand

For our love is built on Holy ground.


As we care together, share together,

Live our lives as one;

Looking to the light of God, following His Son.

May our lives and our love show the world why Jesus came.

As we join our hands forever,

And walk this life together,

In His name.


Oh my little friend you are so precious to me.

My love for you goes far beyond any earthly I can see.

Your heart of love, your hair of brown,

And your sparkling eyes of blue;

Are yet a glimpse of the lovely treasure,

Found within you.


Others say there is a love that goes deeper than the word,

Until you came into my life it was a feeling I only heard.

But through our time together I’ve found stirring in my heart,

A tender, loving way within, of which you’re very much a part.


The happiest day in my life, was when into my life you came.

And I’ll love you precious Dina,

Forever, In His name.

Never the Same

The story of God is amazing.  If you are familiar with Don Richardson and his books, Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts, or if you are familiar with Paul Richardson and his book, A Certain Risk, you will be blessed by this video of Don Richardson and his sons returning, after twenty-five years, to the tribe in New Guinea that they lived among and ministered to for most of their lives.  It is a miraculous glimpse into God's faithfulness and power to change lives.

Never the Same from Pioneers-USA on Vimeo.