April 30, 2012
It is hard to believe that my family and I are wrapping up our sixth year of living in South Korea. Some of the things that I thought were going to be "impossible" here in Korea have become very normal parts of every day life. Reading the Korean language is "almost" automatic (though most of the time I don't know what I am reading), I prefer eating with chopsticks (over a fork and a spoon), and the language, . . . well, I now have a rich Korean vocabulary of "taxi phrases" and "food" words. It seems that some of the "impossiblities" of change have now become rather mundane aspects of life.
I find this to be the case with my surroundings as well. Is it possible to take the towering skyscrapers, confusing subways, endless traffic and massive crowds of Seoul (15 million people) for granted? Yep. Nowadays I make trips to Seoul where I don't take a single photograph and I don't pause and utter a single "wow."
Below is a video I came across that reminded me of the "wows" all around me here in this country of South Korea. As you watch it I hope you will remember that the inevitable changes in life are not impossible to navigate and we need to be careful to never take for granted the amazing people and places all around us.