You and Me
Wherever It Pleases


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Dad & Mom Roberts

A good word, Ryan. I know staff will appreciate your insight into their own personal "first day" feelings and about those "first day" jitters of each student. Yes, I remember the Kindergarten and High School Senior first days. Each held a memory of excitement for you, as the student, and terror for me as your mom. both times I was so afraid you would "get lost" and not find your way "home". I was wrong each time. You remain to this day a man who never "got lost' seeking the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but "straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you.....Philippians 3:13b & 14 (paraphrased a bit). And yet, you honor me by remaining my little boy and that allows me to keep memories of your first day in Kindergarten alive. Praying for you....that this year will be filled with more blessings for you, your family, and your school than ever before. As you look toward next year and a new school, just relax in the arms of Jesus regarding the future and enjoy each 'today' that comes as you continue to do His work. We love you, Mom

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