My Sweethearts in Montana

A New Chapter

DSCF4006box Friday was my last day as a high school assistant principal (for now).  As I took the pictures and diplomas off the walls, boxed up my files and backed up my hard drive I found myself reflecting upon the goodness of God in my life.  I have now served as a school administrator in grades and schools ranging from Kindergarten to 12th grade.  The past two years at the high school of Taejon Christian International School have been a significant challenge and a great blessing in my life.  It is my prayer that any experiences and/or insights that I have gleaned from my administrative and school leadership experiences will be used by God for good in the days ahead.

Looking to the future, I am excited about my new role as the Director of Spiritual Formation Programs at both Taejon Christian International School and Gyeonggi Suwon International School.  When I think about the 1000+ students, 300+ staff (and families), and the diversity of the two different schools (in South Korea), I find myself feeling a bit anxious and inadequate for the job.  This new job is both a new role for me and a newly created administrative position at each of the schools.

As I embark on this new chapter and experience in my life, I find myself to be in a place of immense dependence upon and trust in God.  This is where I want to be.  I pray that in the days ahead I might be a part of lifting up the blessed name of Jesus Christ in the world and assisting others on their journey into a deeper relationship with Him.


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Jim Brownlee

Thanks for a reminder of the constant dependance we should be placing on God. Julie and I are struggling a bit to find what God wants for us this next year and beyond and your blog was very helpful in reminding me that no matter what the "new circumstance" we ought to be looking for a way to glorify the name of Christ as a result.
Hope you have a restful summer and enjoy the preparation for your new job next year.
Jim Brownlee

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