Valentine's Day Scrooge
Run--1 Timothy 6:11-21

30 Hour Famine

Logo1_2 The Roberts family just spent the last two days in Seoul, South Korea participating in the "30 Hour Famine" event sponsored by World Vision.  The "30 Hour Famine" is an international youth activity focused on fighting world hunger. 

Did you know that:

  • More than 852 million people in the world are malnourished and 153 million of them are under the age of 5?
  • Each DAY over 29,000 kids die from preventable diseases related to malnutrition?


Dscf2455 Over the last couple of weeks Becca and Sarah have been raising money by talking to people about the needs of the world around them and explaining the goal of the 30 Hour Famine activity.  After raising money they personally started on a journey of raising their own awareness of the needs of the world around them by embarking upon a 30 hour fast.  The goalsDscf2462 of this time of fasting were to draw closer to God and to "feel" in a just small way, the hunger that many of the children in the world experience everyday.

Dscf2475 The Famine event was held at Seoul Foreign School in Seoul, South Korea.  Thirty-five TCIS Middle School students boarded the bus at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and joined with 100+ Seoul Foreign Middle Schoolers at the Famine event 3 hours later.Dscf2499

The afternoon and evening activities included:  times of corporate praise and worship, devotional activities, Bible study, prayer time, study of impoverished nations around the world, games and activities, silly skits, a "We're So Rich" Nooma video by Rob Bell and testimonies from high school students that have been involved in the Famine activity in previous years.

Dscf2505 After a short night of sleep the "30 Hour Famine" group kicked off the morning with a time of singing and praising the Lord and a great message by Mr. Mike, the TCIS Student Life Minister, about how life is not to be all about "Me" but rather it is to be all about "God" and "Others."  The Famine ended with a time of all of the students praying for the world and serving one another juice and muffins.

It was a super time and a great event.  For more info on the "30 Hour Famine" click HERE.


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