Running Reflections
January 27, 2008
"It is easy to turn our religious life into a cathedral for beautiful memories, but there are feet to be washed, hard flints to be walked over, people to be fed. Very few of us go there, but that is the way the Son of God went."
.--Oswald Chambers, Run Today's Race, January 6
Reflections by Ryan:
What constitutes your religious life? Is it realized in church gatherings, devotional books, Bible studies, camps, retreats, prayer seminars, Christian events, teen group……the church softball team? Is it focused upon that one great service, that really special prayer time or the time that you really "felt" God? Do you think more about the good old days of church than you do about the adventure of today that awaits you in Jesus Christ?
Has your burning heart of relationship with Jesus been replaced by the warm fuzzy memory of a beautiful service?
God is not a memory, a feeling or an event and He does not reside in the brick and mortar of stained glass cathedrals. God is the living and active one who in mystery creates, forgives, empowers, guides, and loves--and He resides within the human heart. In Him, our religious lives are not to be realized in memory but rather in movement. God is love and grace in action. He is a God who is constantly reaching out to His children—lovingly drawing them unto Himself.
Jesus, the Son of God came and lived among us. He washed feet, touched lepers, loved the unlovely and fed the multitudes. He died upon the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. Jesus went to heaven to prepare a place for us and he sent the Holy Spirit to fill us with power so we might live in His name.
The words of 1 John 2:6 say it pretty clearly, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."
Let the momentum of God move you beyond the memories of the cathedral and into the world of people who need a Savior.
Run Today’s Race: A Word from Oswald Chambers for Every Day of the Year. Copyright © 1968 Oswald Chambers Publications Association Ltd.
Scripture: NIV