On Saturday I experienced a real privilege and treat. I was one of three speakers at the "Vision Up!" teen leadership conference at Korea Nazarene University. 500+ Korean teens and youth leaders were present at the event and I was able to share my testimony and the Word of God with them and challenge them to live their lives for Jesus Christ.
Here is how it happened and what happened.....
Last June, George Zickefoose and I went to Korea Nazarene University (KNU) to visit an NNU student that was attending a conference at the university. George had previously met the president of KNU and while we were visiting the university George introduced me to Dr. Im, the president of KNU. In the course of meeting the KNU president, my good friend George introduced me as not only an administrator at the Taejon Christian International School but also as an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene. We had a nice visit with Dr. Im and I was very impressed with the campus of Korea Nazarene University in Cheonan, South Korea.
This summer while I was in the USA I received an email from Dr. Im, the KNU president, asking me if I would be available to participate in a leadership conference in August. I had very few details about the event but was thankful for the opportunity and said, yes, I would be willing to participate.
This past week I received a fax from Korea Nazarene University. It was written in Korean and when translated it stated that I was one of three main speakers at the "Vision Up" youth leadership conference and I had a one hour slot to speak to the audience. Yipes.
Saturday, my family and I, and my good friend George (thanks again for going with me George) all boarded the KTX bullet train for Cheonan, South Korea. After a quick taxi ride from the train station to the university we found ourselves sitting in President Im's office. In the office I met Dr. Patch, the former president of KNU, Dr. Hong the chaplain of KNU, and the district superintendent of the local Nazarene churches. We all talked through the day's schedule, prayed and headed for the university chapel.
The place was FILLED with students and youth leaders. The visiting worship band from the Seoul Onnuri Church was wonderful. The place was electric with worship and excitement. Again, it was a real privilege for me to be able to speak up for Christ in that context and place. Dr. Im served as my interpreter and it was amazing to watch him convey my words to the Korean listeners. Dr. Im was a real joy to be around. He took wonderful care of me and my family throughout the day and he had some fun with the difference in our heights. During my introduction he made me stand two steps below him so that he could be taller than me. :) The students all got a real kick out of that.
What an adventure and privilege it was for me to share at the "Vision Up" teen conference. A wise man once told me that God doesn't want or need our ability--He wants our availability. (Thanks Mr. Thompson.)
I pray that I will always be available for God......