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July 2007

Koreans in Afghanistan

John the Baptist sat alone in a cold, dark prison cell—his illusion of the Messiah and the reality of what he saw in Jesus weren’t lining up.

Matthew 11:2-6 says,

When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"


Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."

Am I following my illusion or Jesus?

There are some Koreans in Afghanistan who are giving their lives up for Jesus.  Take a look at this post and pray.

The Ark


Last night (the Fourth of July) my brother-in-law and I took all the kids to a movie here in Whitefish, Montana.  It couldn't get dark fast enough for our fireworks enamored children-so we thought we would buy some time by taking them to a movie.  

We took them to the movie, "Evan Almighty."  This movie was full of goofy laughs and a profound message.  I will not go into details about the movie and risk spoiling it for you.  However, I do want to say that I was personally challenged by the "calling" of the main character, Evan, and inspired by his courage to follow God in obedience, regardless of the cost.

Evan, like Noah of old, was called upon to build an ark.  The ark was designed to save creatures (people and humans) that stood in the path of impending danger.  It was a danger of which they were not aware-created by selfishness and seemingly held at bay by tainted and flawed human efforts.

The ark served to save the animals and the people; the building of the ark served to save a wrongly focused Evan and his family.

As I sit here in a coffee shop in Whitefish, Montana and reflect upon the movie and its message, I am thinking about things like: calling, relationship, obedience, trust, Noah of old and.....Jesus.

Where is my focus and what is my calling?  I want to have the courage to follow God in obedience.  I want to discern the call and hold out the life saving message that......

Jesus is the ark.     

So little time…so many relationships.

Just a quick note to say hi and to thank you for checking in on the "Ramblings."  Currently I am in Northern Montana--it is so beautiful here.  We have been back in the USA for just over a week.  It has been a blessed week of seeing friends and family and investing in relationships.  There are so many important and precious people that we want to see and spend time with--we haven't hooked up with everyone that we want to see....yet.

As you know, relationships take time.  So....I haven't take the time to Ramble.  Thanks for checking in.  Please keep checking--I'll be back.