BBQ Gone Bad–Image Header
March 23, 2007
I suspect that you have noticed that I have been fooling around with my blog layout. I like this presentation option because it accentuates the beauty of the roasting squid.
In a previous comment Chris asked two questions about the cooked squid picture at the top of my blog--here are my answers:
- No, I haven't added these morsels to my personal menu. The "BBQ gone bad" that sits sizzling at the top of my blog is a common sight and a very popular "snack food" at the rest stops along the freeways in South Korea. I do plan on trying one of these before my time here in S. Korea is over. I am not there yet--even though they look good, their odor is pungent.
- Symbolism--on a more serious note, yes, I suppose there is an aspect of symbolism in the fact that I have this "other worldly" picture serving as the visual cue to my "ramblings." Living and working here in South Korea is wonderful and it is wacky. In many ways my experience here is much like the way I see the roasting squid:
- I took the picture and I still look at it in disbelief--and in that same sense of incredulity I find myself here in South Korea. I never imagined that I would be living, working and ministering in such an inconceivably different kind of place--the culture, the people, the languge, the customs, the city life, the immense numbers of people, the different foods and the unique working conditions.
- The roasting squid is unique and my time here in S. Korea is unique and I am thankful for the blessing of being in this place. However, the squid is also roasting over the fire and honestly I feel that I am experiencing a bit of the fire here in S. Korea. God has me out of my comfort zone, away from the distractions of "home" and in a place where His "consuming fire" can begin to engulf my heart and life. As I am living the "adventure" of South Korea with my family I feel that my heart is spending time in the wilderness with God. It is a journey where I am facing myself, my fears, my doubts and I am learning about truly entrusting my life completely unto Jesus Christ. It is an unexpected journey that is turning out to be the grandest "adventure" of all.
Just as the fire transforms those slimy squid into traveling snacks for weary travelers maybe God's fire in my life is preparing me to be broken bread--sustenance, strength and help to hungry souls as they journey with and into Jesus.
I was reflecting on the OC devo regarding unlearning. He uses the transfiguration account but as I read other accounts of Jesus interacting with the folks of His day I realize the unlearning is taking place where ever Jesus set up shop. Woman at the well, Zacheus, the adulterous woman these and others were opportinities for His followers (now us) to see God as loving, forgiving and merciful. He wants us and you RR to get outside of our protected comforts and perceptions of God's nature and check out the living, loving God. He wants us never to be the same after and encounter with Him, how does that occur without an experience we have little control over? You are still alive and wanting more of Him, take a big bite you may have to hold your nose and close your eyes but you will survive and have a better grasp of His great love for you. Oh, try the squid too.
Posted by: Chris Johnson | March 26, 2007 at 08:45 PM